Update Feb 6th 2025.


One Month of the New Year already gone, we hope all are doing well.


We are experiencing a huge amount of orders right now. To avoid delays please call or email scaleracing1@gmail.com with payment info if you are awaiting pre orders. Please if possible use the authorize.net credit card processing feature when paying we can then process pre orders quickly. The first batch of the ScaleRacing/BRM GT40's sold out but more have landed. You can order now. 

After the Holidays!! We are having a sale on Scalextric Sets hopefully to get more new people into this fun Hobby. These discounted prices do not include shipping. We will quote for shipping once the order is placed. We will not invoice until shipping is confirmed.

  We are accepting entries for the 10th Annual BRM/ScaleRacing Event.  Please note the dates are Nov 6th-9th 2025. See you in November!! All Teams are now able to pre enter.

If we have more than 14 Teams wishing to enter next year we will split the race over 2 weekends. The Nov 6th - 9th will be for travelling Teams and the following weekend for local Teams.  Plus we always have Teams looking for a few drivers so anyone wanting to attend email me at scaleracing1@gmail.com.

                         LAST YEAR THE 24 HOURS OF TACOMA SOLD OUT, this year will be the 10th Anniversary of this Event. You can watch our You Tube channel for streamed races almost every Saturday night.




The ScaleRacing/BRM GT40 Mark II are selling very well, we are taking new orders daily.

A New item in stock now, the excellent G & S tire grinder, these are very popular.


We are working on the pre order backlog daily now, and back to processing new orders within 3 working days!!!  

The Shipping Department is processing orders as quickly as possible. 


You can call us at 253-255-1807 or email scaleracing1@gmail.com. Due to the big increase in pre order we are asking for all to please consider allowing us to capture card details on Authorize.net. This is a Visa owned Company and totally secure. No data is held on our Site. If this is done we can process orders as soon as they land avoiding delays in Customers getting their cars. You can still do "Request for Quote" but all orders with confirmed payment allowed will be processed first. This change is needed as we are landing over 200 pre orders and the delay in shipping while contacting everyone for payment is backing us up and further delaying shipping your orders out. 


Policar T003Z and T004Z Sets in stock. 

Important Store Announcements.


The Store is open 7 days a week by appointment only so we can process orders quickly.

Direct line number 1-253-255-1807, the Store is 1-253-564-1445.

  Please check https://132slotcar.us/new-products for new items added to the Store.


                               The H&B Test Benches have landed again!!!

                          We have stock of the H & B + bench @ $194.99.

                          They sell out very quickly so don't wait if interested. Orders will be supplied in the order received.

                                          We never collect funds on Pre Orders or Re Orders until the goods are in stock and shipable.

                                                   The new model now with amp draw from the motor this is orderable as H & B +.

https://132slotcar.us/h-and-b-test-bench https://132slotcar.us/h-b-test-bench-with-build-in-amp-meter

A fantastic tool for setting up cars to race, and checking for equal performance, the H & B + is on re order status. 

Especially when used in conjunction with our Magnet Marshal 2. https://132slotcar.us/magnet-marshal-2



We continue to operate the Store on a Will Call basis.

please make an appointment if you wish to look around as staffing since Covid is greatly reduced.


         We carry all Policar Sets. The the expansion or change over to the Policar system Sets.

         Starting with the 2 Lane T002 Set ( back order ). See here for the Policar Track section on the Site: https://132slotcar.us/policar-race-sets


The Policar T004Z and T003Z Sets sell out quickly, we have them on continual reorder status, order now if you are interested. Remember we never charge for Pre Orders or Back orders until ready to ship.

We have landed more Policar Track and SCP3 and SCP2 Controllers.

Right now we have new stock of the both 4 lane Sets, the T002Z Set is on back order and a new small set T005Z is in stock.



Direct line number 1-253-255-1807, the Store is 1-253-564-1445.


We are scheduling test and tune for Wednesday evenings again.


See here for the Policar Track Section on the Site. https://132slotcar.us/policar-race-sets


We are not doing any Special Builds until we catch up with back orders, if you have questions please contact us at scaleracing1@gmail.com

Please add the order number in the subject line if checking on orders so we can check on your order. You can also reach Alan @ 1-253-255-1807.

If you are wanting to order items not yet listed in our Store please use the Wild Card feature.  This helps get popular items listed and remember we never ask for payment on Pre Orders.

Please only use Request for Quote as your payment method for wild card and Pre Orders.

Here is the link:

See here to go to the Wild Card order: https://132slotcar.us/wild-card-wildcard-pre-order-new-items

We do not require payment for pre order, please use the Request For Quote payment.

This is only for pre orders please.





Alan & Julia Smith


Contact info: scaleracing1@gmail.com

24 Hour phone line: 1-253-255-1807

Store: 1-253-564-1445

                             www.slotcarillustrated.com Our information Site is online , we moved the Site to Cloud Servers to solve issues.



Please if you are trying to order and experience a problem let me know.

You can contact me at 1-253-255-1807 or scaleracing1@gmail.com. 

Thank you.


We are renting Track Time and Controllers only. You will need your own cars.

We sell cars starting from about $35.00

We book time slots to allocate track time.

These are 1 hour slots. After which we will close to clean the controllers and surfaces.

We will only be renting track time limited hours Saturday and Sunday for now. 12.00 till 4.00pm

Call to book track time, all payments will be either cash deposited in a cash box or Credit Card.

We will set up a log in where you can buy Track Time as soon as we can.

Track time will be $60.00 an hour including controllers.**

**To open we will limit play racers to 6 people.

 This 1 hour session will be $60.00 + tax.

You can also have a maximum of 6 guests to assist with crashed cars.


Call 1-253-255-1807 to book please give at least a week lead time, no walk in Customers please.. 

Hours will be 12.00 till 4.00 pm Saturday and Sunday for now, and be by appointment!!

You can also make an appointment to purchase cars if no one on the tracks. 

 The web store is open and we continue to ship out orders Monday thru Thursday.


We thank you for your continued support of the ScaleRacing Center and www.132slotcar.us.

Alan  and Julia Smith

Here is a virtual tour of my store!

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